Thursday, October 25, 2012

Major Security Threats on the Internet

Major Security Threats on the Internet include:
  • Viruses
  • Worms
  • Trojan Horses
  • Bots


Viruses often come along with an e-mail attachment, for instance a executable program(.exe). In some of the cases, these attachments are amusing or fun images or other files.
When running this program the virus copies inserts itself into many other programs installed on your computer. The whole purpose of a virus is to spread itself on many computer as possible.


Computer worms are malicious applications with a purpose to spread all over the network.
What is so bad about a worm is that it has the capability to copy itself from computer to computer. Mostly, such worms use security holes, in order to, get into a system and cause damage.

Trojan Horses

Trojan horses are bad in a way that they appear to be a useful software, but will actually cause damage to your computer. Trojans differ in their actions. While some Trojan horses may be considered annoying, others might seriously harm and cause damage to your computer.


Bots mostly automate and open up programs or services, you otherwise would not open on your own.
On special purpose of bots is to gain information, for instance web crawlers and to infect as many host computers as possible, creating a "botnet" Criminals use botnets, in order to, send out spam e-mails, spread viruses and attack central servers.

 Safety precautions
  • Get a anti-virus software
  • Install a firewall on your computer and keep it up-to-date
  • Run regular security updates on your computer

Activities to avoid
  • Don't open e-mails of unknown origins.
  • Don't follow random links on the Internet
  • Back up your data
  • Store your back up on a remote media
  • Don't visit unknown websites on the Internet 
