Monday, November 26, 2012

Digital Ethics

Internet Security

Computer Security consists of three distinct layers, namely machine-level security, network security, and Internet security.

The term machine-level security describes all the actions you take, in order to, keep your information on your computer safe. In terms of machine-level security, it is not necessary to be connected to a network rather a standalone computer might be considered as a potential aim for attackers. Moreover, this type of security particularly refers to all steps you follow to physically protect your information from potential threats, such as someone trying to break into your computer system by cracking your password.

What I already do:

ñ  using a strong password

ñ  back up my data

ñ  encrypt email messages

What I need to do:

ñ  change my password on a regular basis

ñ  should back up all my data more often than just every few months

ñ  store my back ups on one device, not several

ñ  if stored on a external device, keep it separate from the computer

ñ  maybe should store my information online to keep better track of it and have it at one place, easily accessible

ñ  make multiple copies of very important files, not just one

The second layer of computer security is network security which includes all safety measurements, in order to keep your data safe while connected to a network. This type of security offers several ways to secure your information, for instance permissions which can give you special privileges.

What I already do:

ñ  run regular security updates on my computer

ñ  use a unique SSID(Service Set Identificatier) for my router

ñ  use a network security protocol – WPA 2.0(wireless) only members of the network have the security key

ñ  used random numbers and letters for my security key

ñ  disabled the auto-connect function of my router which prevents it from broadcasting its existence

ñ  use a router firewall

ñ  don't send sensitive data over my network

What I need to do:

ñ  set my router to only connect to SSID's of my computers

ñ  be careful when logging into a network outside home – ensure it is a safe network

ñ  should not connect to unknown access points – I often catch myself connecting to unknown access points when being away from home, which can be very harmful in terms of security

Last, Internet security covers the third point of computer security which includes all the threats you might face while being connected to the Internet.

What I already do:

ñ  use a firewall

ñ  installed anti-virus software on my computer

ñ  run regular automated anti-virus software updates

ñ  checked my brower's security settings – set my 'Internet zone' settings to high

ñ  I don't open emails or attachments of unknown origin

ñ  don't run unknown programs

ñ  I don't safe my passwords online – I always make sure that the 'Remember Me' button is disabled

ñ  I run regular Windows updates

What I need to do:

ñ  I should not follow random links on the Web – often catch myself following links because of curiosity

ñ  I should disable hidden file extensions

ñ  I should always safely log out when exiting my online accounts, e.g facebook – this is one of my weakest points; I often catch myself just closing the site without logging off

ñ  install anti-spyware programs

ñ  I should change my passwords more often

ñ  I could scan my computer for potential viruses more often


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

E- Commerce

Buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium.

  • B2B - transactions between businesses
  • B2C - conducting business between businesses and    consumers
  • C2C - selling of products or services between consumers




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<h1><font color="CC6600"> My favorite trip </h1>
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<h2><font color="CC0033"> The Middle East</h2>
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Website Evaluation

Aluminum Foil Beanie Website Review

Author of the Aluminium Foil Deflector Beanie website is Lyle Zapato who created the AFD(Aluminum Foil Beanie). The top-level domain of this site is “.net”, which does not give you proof that all the information provided on this website is accurate and correct. According to his profile presented on the website, Lyle graduated from Kelvinic University with a degree in Psychothermodynamics. In addition to that, it is listed that he follows several occupations, e.g President & CEO of Zapato Productions Intradimensional. After doing some research on his educational background, it appeared that Kelvinic University, which he states to have graduated from, does not exist and is one of Lyle’s fictional creations. Examining Mr. Zapato’s profile and information carefully, brings along speculations that his personal information is made up by himself and, furthermore, not real. The website provides contact information about the author, which includes two different email addresses, along with a postal address. What makes it seem unreal is that there appear to be various email addresses for the same person.

There is acceptable depth in the information provided about the Aluminum Foil Beanie such as:  building an AFB, usage and maintenance. The AFB is supposed to help people protect themselves against others invading their brains, but none of the facts or statements are scientifically proven. Furthermore, the kind of information provided about this invention is not written in a professional way, and its scope reaches topics which do not seem to be realistic issues. For instance and Aluminium Foil Beanie for pets.  Even though the information provided on this website seems to be an original creation from its author, there are several links integrated that discuss mind control and the protection aluminum foil provides.

The build of the website is very organized, and one could tell the author put a good bit of time and creativity into it.There are step by step instructions to building an Aluminum Foil Beanie, and as you read them you see how comical it is. The last step instructs you to wrap scotch tape all over your face, and head to secure the beanie. Under usage and maintenance you find all the silly different ways to create different aluminum foil protectors for your pets, children nose, and body. With all the links provided, and the way the pages are organized you can tell Mr. Zapato is a professional and very skilled at web creation and design.

The web page seems a science fiction story created by an untrusted person to sell an unusual product. There is no scientific proof or link to support quality or necessity of the product. It is interesting and enjoyable but a disorienting page for uneducated and inexperienced internet users. The website is for entertainment purposes only. It provides tons of information on paranoia, and the science fiction of mind control. It even goes as far as to poke fun at students such as us that are evaluating the website. Clicking on the different links you can read hilarious stories about aliens taking over Disney, the Russians building aluminum shelters, and so on. The build of the website is very organized, and one could tell the author put a good bit of time and creativity into it.

Major serach tools

Search Engines
They do not search the WWW directly, instead a "spider" crawls web pages and indexes them and then creates a database. It is advantageous if you wish to have a great variety of results, e.g. if you search the temperature of a specific place, a search engine would be good place to start. Most search engines use page ranks for their results based on different factors.

Subject Directories 
Directories created by humans instead of a computer. Its database is indexed by editors. Due to that, there is not as a great variety of results as common search engines. It is beneficial if you search for a specific topic, e.g. American History.A sub directory has a hierarchical structure.

Metasearch Engines
Do not have its own spider or database. Uses all the existing equipment. Gives you results from various search engines. Provides fewer results than one large search engine. It is a good place to start in situations where you would wish to have different results from various sources. This gives you the opportunity to contrast and compare your search and extend it beyond one search engine's results.

Academic Databases 
Usually include academic journals, which you mostly have to sign up for. Those search engines provide you with academic material. Furthermore, they are part of the invisible web which cannot be accessed by crawlers.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Major Security Threats on the Internet

Major Security Threats on the Internet include:
  • Viruses
  • Worms
  • Trojan Horses
  • Bots


Viruses often come along with an e-mail attachment, for instance a executable program(.exe). In some of the cases, these attachments are amusing or fun images or other files.
When running this program the virus copies inserts itself into many other programs installed on your computer. The whole purpose of a virus is to spread itself on many computer as possible.


Computer worms are malicious applications with a purpose to spread all over the network.
What is so bad about a worm is that it has the capability to copy itself from computer to computer. Mostly, such worms use security holes, in order to, get into a system and cause damage.

Trojan Horses

Trojan horses are bad in a way that they appear to be a useful software, but will actually cause damage to your computer. Trojans differ in their actions. While some Trojan horses may be considered annoying, others might seriously harm and cause damage to your computer.


Bots mostly automate and open up programs or services, you otherwise would not open on your own.
On special purpose of bots is to gain information, for instance web crawlers and to infect as many host computers as possible, creating a "botnet" Criminals use botnets, in order to, send out spam e-mails, spread viruses and attack central servers.

 Safety precautions
  • Get a anti-virus software
  • Install a firewall on your computer and keep it up-to-date
  • Run regular security updates on your computer

Activities to avoid
  • Don't open e-mails of unknown origins.
  • Don't follow random links on the Internet
  • Back up your data
  • Store your back up on a remote media
  • Don't visit unknown websites on the Internet 
